Test Language C - Fundamentals

Test C with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

January 2024
15 minutes

The C language, created in the 70s, has its own logic and vocabulary. Through this test, you will be able to assess your knowledge and skills in C. The questions cover many notions, at a junior level. The areas covered are therefore:

  • Variables (types, scope, declaration)
  • Naming and accessing files
  • Preprocessor directives (define, macro, ifndef)
  • Functions (headers, call, declaration)
  • Loops
  • Pointers
  • Data structures (structures, tables)
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 45 questions in C.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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Test author : Kahina Chellit

ETIC INSA technologies is the “junior enterprise” of INSA Lyon. It carries out expertise for companies ranging from multinational groups to very small ones in almost all domains of engineering.

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Sample question

In C, knowing that on the machine where the following code is executed a long weighs 8 bytes, a char 1 byte and a short 2 bytes, give the size in bytes of the following structure (1 correct answer only) :

struct t {
 long z;
 union U {
    long a;
    char b;
    long c;
See 45 test questions.Participate in test improvement

Developers ratings

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pas mal de questions subtile debutant, si on a pas fait de C depuis qq temps on fait facilement qq petites erreures !
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pour niveau debutant a mon avis un peut dur
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Florent Gréa
question and traduction are pretty bad, sometimes the .h is included in the question sometimes not and it's on you to guess if you have to take it into consideration. It remove the focus. Bad test.
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Très bon tests pour auto évaluer son niveau notamment avant un entretien